The Minoan Society: Garden Fountains

Various sorts of conduits have been discovered through archaeological excavations on the island of Crete, the cradle of Minoan society. These were applied to furnish towns and cities with water as well as to alleviate flooding and get rid of waste material. The chief ingredients employed were stone or clay. Anytime terracotta was used, it was usual

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The Benefits of Solar Powered Outdoor Fountains

Your garden wall fountain can be powered by any number of power sources. Ecological solar powered fountains, which are now easily available, have substituted older fountains which run on electricity. The initial costs to run your fountain on solar energy are probably going to be higher, but you should keep in mind that in the long run it will be th

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Modern Water Fountains And Public Policy

In February 2014, a charge on sugar-sweetened beverages was enacted in Berkley, CA, making it the first city in the United States to submit such a law. The tax is thought to minimize sugary drink consumption and enhance the consumption of healthier drinks, such as water from fountains. First, the city conducted an analysis to evaluate whether peopl

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Modern Water Fountains And Public Policy

In February 2014, a charge on sugar-sweetened beverages was enacted in Berkley, CA, making it the first city in the United States to submit such a law. The tax is thought to minimize sugary drink consumption and enhance the consumption of healthier drinks, such as water from fountains. First, the city conducted an analysis to evaluate whether peopl

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